Ten weeks ago, I wouldn’t have believed anyone if they told me that we would be opening a brick & mortar location for Kanekshun. It was halloween evening, my husband and I were having one of our life talks while walking the pups - tonights topic was the next evolution of Kanekshun. I have so many ideas and dreams for where Kanekshun will go, but its great to have a specific question presented to you - just like a powerful journal prompt. So when he asked, what’s the very next steps for you and Kanekshun, I started to explain my desire to share with the community in a more intimate and deeper way. I shared my vision for a “space”, one that would become the container for connection, growth and joy for others.

As a practical libra [perfect balance for my dreamer pisces vibes] he said that we should spend the next few months doing research on locations, costs, etc. I of course, came immediately home after our walk to text my dear friend who is our realtor for her to share what the commercial prices were like in Miami these days. By the end of the night we had a list of all the available commercial spaces in Miami. The first location on the list was 7120 Bisycane. Although in the pictures it was obvious that it needed A LOT of love, it had everything I had envisioned; it was a cottage, a patio, one large room, and close to our home. At first glance it seemed to be perfect! However, the excitement died quickly, we learned by the time we went to bed that an offer had already been placed for the space. Although I didnt love all the other listings, it gave me hope that we could in fact bring this to life one day. I journaled before bed, all of the ideas and sensations I had about what had transpired that evening.

We woke up the morning of Nov. 1st to messages from our dear friend that the owners of the 7120 space were interested in meeting us, as the offer was in fact not solidified! In our PJs, with two sound bowls in hand, we headed over. As expected the space was in very poor condition, so much so that my husband was unsure if this was in fact OUR space after all. But once I sat in the center of the room, and played by two bowls - the acoustics ran through every cell of my body - and I knew right then and there we had found our HOME.

Our lease started Nov 15th. Since we didnt have this project in our radar, our schedules were CRAZY. We had events and clients every day, but it was important for me to open the studio by the holidays as my gift back to the community. Over the past three years we have had the honor of hosting magical experiences, each time connecting with beautiful souls who have shown us such trust & support. The courage to create this space was built from that energy - we needed to show our give back.

After three weeks of sleepless nights, many trips to home depot and endless deliveries of packages we brought Kasa Kanekshun to life. The first evening after the last finishing touch was completed, we stood in the space, in true awe - I was overwhelmed with emotions - we did it! It’s still surreal, every time I walk into the space. As I shared I had no idea this would happen NOW, so I didnt have one of my excel master plans for this prior. But what I did have was the feeling, I knew deep inside what I wanted our space to feel like, I knew what I wanted it to mean for the community.

We offered a week of preview classes for the community as our thank you. It was beautiful to see old & new friends share our new home and their feedback. But during this time I crashed. HARD. My body shut down, for the first time in five years I had to cancel classes. I was mortified, but I had to listen to my body or we wouldn’t have been able to handle our two weeks of holiday bookings at the end of the month. So there was the lesson, because there is always one amigos, I knew I had set an intense expectation of finishing the space before the holidays but I pushed myself and ignored the signals my body was giving me till it was too late. I was reminded, once again, that my health is priority and that its important to have goals but to let go of the final outcome.

Despite this little bump in the road, our opening was magical and the response has been truly heart warming. Every detail in Kasa was carefully hand selected to create a comforting, warm and safe aesthetic. Our offerings are designed to provide guests with moments of pause & renewal through the powers of meditation, sound and movement. It is truly a home for the community to practice, grow and connect with authentic & accessible modalities.

Welcome to Kasa friends! See you soon, love sabs


Solar return
