Everything in life has a frequency, and that frequency omits vibrations. These vibrations become that objects energy. Sometimes energy can become heavy, dark, unwanted and negative. The energy follows the object and space, and will linger unless its removed. There are various ways to help ourselves & our spaces to clear such energy. Movement, redecorating, and smudging are some of the options. Smudging dates back thousands of years and spans every inch of the globe.  It has been widely used in ancient spiritual rituals performed by the Incas, Buddhists, and  indigenous people dating back to be one of the oldest ways to cleanse the energy in spaces and people. 

The main benefit of smudging is that it removes negative energy. This is true whether that negative energy is in the environment around you or within your body, mind, or spirit.  It brings your energetic body back into balance and helps you to improve your mental state. Through medicinal smoke it allows faster delivery of the benefits to the brain and more efficient absorption by the body. 

 Consider smudging a space for the following reasons:

To clear the negativity left from toxic situations

To clear the tension from an argument

To remove unwanted spirits

To raise the vibration of a space

To clear the space when you are moving into a new home or office

Consider smudging yourself for the following reasons:

After you've been around negative people or someone who is going through a difficult time

To raise your vibration

When you want to elicit transformation in your life

After you've experienced a trauma

For general health and wellbeing

Unknown physical benefits to smudging ~

The smoke produced from bringing sage or palo santo has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. This means that when it is burned, it can help purify and rid the air of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, a study published by Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that burning sage removes 94% of airborne bacteria. Therefore, it can be used to disinfect the air in your home when people are sick. Smudging is also effective at removing allergens. This is because burning sage has been scientifically proven to release negative ions which neutralize the positive ions that cause allergies (pet dander, pollution, dust, mold). 

Tools for smudging ~

It is important to have a good lighter that can ignite the smudge stick and either a shell or ceramic vessel to hold the stick. There are many beautiful elements created by other planet that offer powerful smudging energy:

Cedar -  It is associated with strength as it comes from a tree, which is both evergreen and strong. When using this element think of support, structure and security. It is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.

Sage – The use of sage is for healing. The smoke is used to bless, cleanse and heal the person or object being smudged. Sage is used to ‘wash off’ the outside World. This herb is often used when someone may feel they have an attachment, their home or object as an attachment or when one enters ceremony or other sacred space.

Rose - Rose petals are usually burned in love, luck, grief, and healing rituals, and are typically joined with cedar or sage. 

Palo Santo - Considered by many to be a holy wood, the Incas have been burning palo santo since ancient times as a spiritual remedy to purify and cleanse. Purifying the spirit and clearing negative energy are common uses for palo santo wood smudge sticks, but the sacred wood is also known to inspire creativity.

Eucalyptus - Used for centuries to heal wounds and purify.

Creating a Sacred Smoke Ritual ~

CLEAR THE SPACE Remove your loved ones including the furry ones. It's always best to smudge when no one is around. This will make for a more sacred ritual and will ensure no one is affected by the smoke.

OPEN WINDOWS & DOORS The negative energy you are removing needs somewhere to go; otherwise it can't change. By opening the windows, the smoke will escape, taking negativity and impurities with it. Likewise, open all doors inside the house, including closet doors. This creates a flow of energy in the space, allowing the sage or palo santo to clear those spaces as well.

SET YOUR INTENTIONS It's always a good idea to set an intention as you are beginning the sacred ritual of smudging. You want to think happy and positive thoughts as you do it. For example, you might say something like, "All energy that is not for my highest good, leave this space."

LIGHT THE SMUDGE STICK Tilt the smudge stick on a 45 degree angle and then light the end of it. Let it burn for 20 seconds, and then blow out the flame. The leaf tips will burn slowly, revealing orange embers, and resulting in a think smoke. Palo santo is a little more difficult to keep lit, so you might need to light it several times throughout your smudging ritual.

Cleansing yourself or someone else -  [do this before you clear a space to ensure you don’t leave any unwanted personal energy while you complete ritual] start with your hands, preparing yourself for the ritual. Then smudge your feet and legs so you can walk through life and the ritual in a positive way. Smudge your mouth to speak good things, your eyes to see good things, your ears to hear good things, your heart to feel good things, and your head to feel good things.  Continue swaying the smoke waves toward your body’s energy with your free hand, feeling love and light in your heart. 

Cleansing a spaceMove around. Ensure you walk through every nook & cranny of the space. Be as thorough as you can, letting the smoke linger and fill all the crevices, surfaces, or spaces. Let the smoke cover the object, the air, or your body, depending on what you are smudging.

 **Never blow on the smoking sage, you will blow away the spirit and positive energy. Fan it to increase the ember**

CLOSE YOUR RITUAL Show gratitude to the sage or palo santo for its ability to help you cleanse and purify the object, space, or yourself, depending on what your use was.

My favorite smudging prayer ~

I respectfully light this sacred plan and humbly call on its spirit.

As its sacred smoke touches my body, I ask that it cleanse my mind, body and spirit.

As its sacred smoke fills this room, I ask that it purify, protect and bless this space.

As its sacred smoke rises, I ask that it carry away all negativity, fears and attachments.

As this sacred smoke leaves, I ask that light, joy and love take its place.

We have curated sacred smoke kits for our community to call in powerful energy - such as LOVE, PROTECTION, and HEALING - all available at Kasa Kanekshun. Each kit includes a unique smudge stick, custom palo santo, crystal and matches.


