Solar return

Life is a celebration, a continuous journey of finding yourself. Learning valuable lessons with each turn and twist that comes, shaping who we are, today, and in the future. This past year has definitely offered lessons that I needed to see, relearn, comprehend and grow from. Many tears, but a lot more joy.

Love is a choice and takes constant work

Love is a choice that we need to work at daily for ourselves and for the relationships we hold dear. 

Firstly we cannot give something we do not posses. So we must show choose to love ourselves fully. Only then can we share the love we want to receive. In our relationships, we have to choose to let annoyances pass, to forgive, to be kind, to respect, to support, to listen and to be present. Relationships take work. Some moments will be easy and others will be incredibly hard. It is up to us to choose how we want to act, think and speak in a relationship. 

Triggers are blessings

Pay attention to everything that triggers you. They are one of the many windows to the soul. Allow yourself time to explore where the emotions, thoughts and reactions for such triggers come from. They can bring the opportunity for some of the deepest self-exploration moments in our lives. Typically the things that trigger us stem from areas of ourselves that we need to heal, support, and work on. They rarely are about the other person, but more a reflection of the lessons we need to learn about ourselves. Do the work.

Space & grace

Being a perfectionist is unsustainable and unhealthy. PUNTO. Its beautiful to hold the intention for how we  want to feel or show up but we need to learn how to drop the pressure around it having to be perfect, to happen just as we envisioned.  We are all navigating this life, trying to make sense of this brilliant journey - but sometimes we are all walking in the dark and will bump into one another - often. So we need to give ourselves & others space, margin for errors, acknowledging that we all make mistakes. Dropping the intense need to try and control every aspect, we will feel more relaxed and so will those around us. Perfection is a myth and being yourself is priceless. 
Take risks

My yearly reminder. I believe we have to put “skin in the game” and LIVE. There is no reward in playing it safe - in anything - relationships, friendships, career. I have learned that its better to put ourselves out there, jump off the cliff, and earn a few battles scars than to sit on the sidelines and watch the world live loud without me.

Health is our most valuable asset

Pay attention to the signals your body gives you. LISTEN. Mine screamed to me many times this year and I ignored her. Dont ignore the messages. Rest when you need, move often, and ensure you are nourished. We cannot fill from an empty cup, we will never be able to fully experience all that life has to offers if we dont take care of of our vessels - our homes.

One thought can change the entire fabric of your energy

What we think is the most powerful tool. Thinking is among the greatest powers we possess, and it's our choice to use it negatively or positively. To have a life that's more abundant, you must think in the limitless terms of abundance and not allow yourself to fall into a space of lack & negativity. 

Write it down

Write down your goals every day. Keep a journal and write it all down. It helps keep your mind aware of what you want and it is a tool for self motivation to hold yourself accountable towards making them come to life. 

Make time for play. 

Ensure you do things just for the fun of it. We cannot be happy and fulfilled without regular play. It doesn't have to be every day or even every week, but it is essential to create blocks of time in which the only goal is to have fun.  

Control is a total illusion

When we let go of the idea that we can control our external world, and accept that we truly don’t have control of so many things, we offer a gentler headspace. The need to control is a mega catalyst for anxiety. Mine usually stems from lack - lack of clients, finances, etc. I am committed to trying to truly accept the circumstances of my life as they are, that everything will occur as it needs to and that I need to trust the universe has my back. I need to allow myself to be open to surrendering to the natural flow of life even thought it may not come in the  packaging I wanted or expected.

Here are some of my favorite journal prompts for birthdays

  • How do you feel about this birthday?

  • What are your most cherished moments of the past 12 months? What made these moments memorable?

  • Who/what have you been enjoying or in love with over the past 12 months?

  • What has surprised you most over the past 12 months?

  • How have you changed since your last birthday?

  • What have the past 12 months taught you?

  • What are you ready to let go of?

  • What are you open to welcoming into your life over the next 12 months?

  • What do you hope to experience over the next 12 months?

Here to 43 - lets do this! xo sabri


the frequency of love
