the frequency of love

Love is everywhere. It gives life.

It remains with us from the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last.

Sometimes it’s calm. Sometimes it’s like a storm.

Love is like air, flowing through us. It’s what unifies us all.

Love means to be deeply committed and connected to something. When nurtured, it deepens and creates special bonds allowing us to experience a deep sense of care and commitment to the world and people around us. Love is a powerful frequency that resonates at the core of everything affecting every aspect of our lives, environments and relationships. 

There are wonderful ways we can cultivate personal practices that will help us transmit the energy of love always:

  • awareness of our thoughts. Everything we think is a seed in the universe and impacts our energy field, choose them wisely.

  • manifestation. Make your intention for your life, write it, sing it, meditate on it, make a vision board - visualize a life filled of love & joy for yourself.

  • become love. Love Yourself everyday!  Self-care & self-exploration. Identify limiting beliefs and do the work to let them go.

  • let go of the outcome. Trust the universe. Your timeline is not necessarily the timeline of the universe. 

  • practice gratitude Take care of you, your home, your pets, your family by showing how grateful you are in this moment.

So today, join me in expanding the love frequency on this planet by choosing to vibrate at our highest every single day. 

con mucho amor, sabs


the journey of being strong & soft


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