Love. The greatest experience of all, meant to be explored every day. From best friends to lovers and everyone in between, we spend so much time and energy giving love. And sure, we all tend to be very good at nurturing others; but we often forget, avoid, or neglect to do a pretty important thing: LOVE OURSELVES. 

Self-care, in its deepest form, is not about bubble baths, green drinks, or ‘treating ourselves’. The most powerful form of self-care comes from how we show up for, relate to, and speak to ourselves. It comes from doing these things with curiosity, patience, warmth, and compassion. This month is designed to give your spirit a little more TLC. 

It is only when we are content with ourselves that we are able to lead life through the lens of love and be able to cultivate & maintain meaningful relationships in our lives. How we think & speak to ourselves really matters - one negative thought or sensation can change the entire tone of your day.


With the meditations, I suggest using headphones to fully immerse yourself in the moment. We have given suggestions of seating options, but find whats right for you. Feel free to download them and have them with you at all times. 

self love journey

Intent is to help you practice sharing words of love to yourself. Can be done seated, laying down, or on a walk.

Intent is to help you feel & identify your power. Can be done laying down or seated.

self value


Intent is to help you care for your body & spirit. Can be done anytime, anywhere.


Words matter - listen intently. Can be done seated or laying down.


This session is designed to soothe your mind & open your heart. Best experienced laying down with eye closed or covered, with headphones or in a quiet room on a speaker.


Designed to soften tension in the body. Can be used as part of your morning or evening routine. Ideal with headphones.


Putting our thoughts on paper is a very powerful meditative tool. Allow these daily prompts to guide you and inspire your creative writing flow.

I invite you to start each day with identifying at least one thing you are grateful for and then answering the daily prompt.

  1. What does love mean to you?

  2. What do you love most about yourself?

  3. What would you say in a love letter to yourself?

  4. What does your best friend love about you?

  5. What did you do last month that you were proud of?

  6. What one goal will you commit to achieve by the end of the month?

  7. What advice would you give to your first grade self if you could?

  8. List 3 different ways you could love yourself more.Now pick 1 of those and commit to it in the upcoming week.

  9. Today is a blank page in your life story. What will you write?

  10. What things do you love about a new month?

  11. What 1 thing do you need to do less of? What 1 thing do you need to do more of?

  12. The quality I want others to see in me is ________________?

  13. Think of a creative way to live more joyfully.

  14. When was the last time you truly laughed? What made you laugh?

  15. Think about a moment where you felt truly loved. Why was this so special?

  16. Write a letter to someone special in your life. Tell them why they mean so much to you.

  17. How do you show other’s love?

  18. List the top 3 most important things for your own self-care? Are you doing enough of them?

  19. When is your favorite time of the day? Why?

  20. I am happiest when ______________?

  21. What self-love habit do you need to start?

  22. What meal do you love most of all?

  23. What will you do with the extra day we get this month? Make it special.

  24. Which famous person inspires you?

  25. Which book do you love to read over and over? Why do you love it?

  26. What was the last gift you bought for yourself?

  27. Read a poem or listen to a song you love. Free write about how it makes you feel.

  28. How can I show more love and affection for those closest to me in February?

  29. What are some small acts of kindness or appreciation I could do for someone special in my life this month?


Join the PAUSE community for a LIVE ZOOM meditation on


Enjoy a guided meditation and mindful chat led by Sabrina


Sound is energy therefore music is energy.

I invite you to download this month’s playlist and allow it to move you & make you move - so you can create new energy for yourself and your collective.