My life reminders…

  • Life is not a ladder to climb, nor is it linear. Its full of all types of terrains - it has curves, waves, and mountains. It’s necessary to LET GO of the idea of what the road should look and feel like, and trust that you are on the right path.

  • Opportunities to learn are all around us - every moment, Through sadness, joy, success and failure - it is up to us to seize the recognize and seize the lessons so we can evolve.

  • Always ask yourself WHY. We are human, and we often make choices from a blurred lens. It’s essential to go inward, and create awareness on our own motivations, so we can truly make the choices that based in our healthiest truth.

  • Be Present - when we live in the past, or get all freaked out about the future holds, we truly miss out on the beauty that surrounds us TODAY. Because life is happening here & now

  • Life gives us what we ask for - be honest, bold, and true with what you want and ask the universe for it every day. Remembering that your thoughts, behaviors and life choices are all ways you communicate with the universe so ensure its all aligned with your intentions.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


Its beneficial for those looking for ways to express and release the thoughts in their heads. Journaling, by definition, is done on a daily basis. Just as meditation, it needs to be developed into a habit in order to become effective. That’s probably the hardest part. Some obstacles are finding the time, not sure what to write or internal judgement on our own thoughts.

Create a ritual for yourself. Find one time of a day that you can set aside to write - perhaps during your morning coffee or tea, or at night before bed. As you start your practice you may want to use prompts to help guide your thoughts. Honor the time, set the stage - play music, maybe light a candle.

Here are some great initial prompts you can use:

  1. What is one hope for the remainder of this year?

  2. What is the number one goal for my relationship with myself?

  3. What is my number one goal for being happy and healthy?

  4. What am I most excited about this month?

  5. By the end of this year, I will…

  6. What makes me feel alive?

  7. What inspires me?

  8. What am I really good at?

  9. Where is my heart guiding me?

  10. What fears am I willing to release?

  11. How am I standing in my own way? What stories am I telling myself that are holding me back?

  12. Where have I been playing it safe?

  13. What does my soul need today?

  14. What does my ideal day look like?
