[con·nec·tion /kəˈnekSH(ə)n/]

Our brand ethos is based on the principle that we are all connected, specifically through energy and breath. We believe in the power of bringing people together through mindfulness to deepen connections to self and others, by curating multi-sensory experiences for those seeking a space to heal, grow, and self-explore. By combining meditation, sound healing, movement, and unique activities in formats accessible to all, Kanekshun creates moments of pause through one of kind auditory experiences.  Clients can experience our unique offerings at our healing sanctuary, Kasa Kanekshun located in Little River Miami, and at local & private venues.



Real experiences for real people. Every experience is carefully curated by Sabrina, rooted in her own personal journey with each modality. Everything we share is genuine and honest - siempre.


Honoring the global shift in consciousness our goal is to create unique opportunities for all of the seekers & soul-travelers to find deeper self connection and meet like minded individuals to expand their collective.


It is essential for us to always offer a safe and sacred container in every offering. A space free of judgment and full of compassion. A space where everyone is free to express themselves and truly TUNE IN.



According to the law of physics everything in the universe vibrates with frequency. Human beings have their own frequencies too, also known as resonances. Every organ, every bone, every cell in the body has its own vibration, its own frequency. Together they make up a beautiful personal song of vibrations like the instruments of an orchestra harmonizing together. When one area in the body is out of tune,  it will affect the entire body. By using rhythm and frequency, a sound bath can be a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that invites gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture the mind and body back to its most powerful state


Meditation is a 2,500+ year old practice for training the mind. It is the artform of presence that allows you to shift your attention and retrain old patterns of thought and behavior. Paying attention only ever happens right now, so learning this art grounds you in the present moment like nothing else. The goal of meditation is to learn how to be at ease no matter what’s happening in your mind. It is about training ourselves how to be calm and relaxed even when our minds and bodies are stressed. Because meditation stimulates our relaxation response, it is also one of the most effective ways to combat stress.

breath work

Breath-work is the practice of consciously manipulating the depth and rate of your breathing to achieve a specific physical & mental outcome. It is considered an active form of meditation, and works quickly, as participants can experience the impact on both the body and the mind in a matter of minutes. The breath is often described as the link between our minds and body. The physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits of breathwork are numerous, as we work with breath we learn how to better process and regulate emotions, such as fear, pain and trauma.


Mindful movement allows us to check in with our bodies and get moving in a way that can help us lower stress, release stagnant energy, and strengthen our mind-body connection. It’s a great way to practice self-care by incorporating both mental and physical well-being. We weave together physical postures, breath awareness, and movement to set each participant's meditation in motion. When we connect with our bodies, we are instantly present — and the benefits are virtually endless.


Journaling, by definition, is done on a daily basis. Just as meditation, it needs to be developed into a habit in order to become effective. It is a candid, spontaneous, and unrestricted expression of our thoughts, memories, and emotions. It's beneficial for those looking for ways to express and release the thoughts in their heads. What's beautiful is that we can write whatever we feel like writing at any given time of the day. We only need to allow ourselves to let go and be very, very honest with ourselves. Ensuring we don't restrict our words or judge the content.

about me [yo]

sabrina badeaux

With her roots in NYC, Sabrina Badeaux comes from a multidisciplinary background in sales, marketing, and operations. Over the years she has managed teams of over 275 people, identifying herself as a lighthouse, in that she provides illumination and guidance to the teams she has led. With all the qualities of a natural-born-leader, Sabrina eventually channeled her energies into the world of wellness, becoming a certified yoga teacher, sound healer and meditation facilitator. 

In 2016, Sabrina launched her own wellness brand, Kanekshun, where she creates multi-sensory experiences rooted in breath-work, modalities of movement, sound healing, and meditation in accessible unique formats.

Sabrina’s north star, as she describes it, is the question, “what impact will I make today?” Whether it be a client she is coaching or the collective she is leading, she aims to make a positive, lasting impact on the world and people around her through powerful & authentic connections.

When not creating mindful magic, you can find her with her dog, biggie smalls - exploring a new food spot, sipping mezcal with friends,  and traveling the globe on a new adventure.


✵ 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training with Tropical Vinyasa. FL

✵ 300 HR Yoga Teacher Training with Heartwood Institute. FL

✵ Reiki Master program with Heartwood Institute, FL

✵ Master Sound Healer program with Alessandra Montana, MX

✵ Thai Body work level 1 with Vedic Thai Center. FL

✵ Meditation Facilitation with Authentic Movements. Costa Rica

our why

who we work with

this month’s sounds